Why You Want a Family Planner App

Family Planner Apps: Family Wall Vs. Cozi Family Organizer

You might have read a couple of my former posts about planning and where I mentioned how I use the Family Wall app. Prior to using this app, I used the Cozi Family Organizer app. These types of family planner apps are great for busy parents to help keep track of important things, get reminders, and to even keep tabs on the kiddos (FamilyWall will do this).

At first, I set the family up on the Cozi Family Organizer app. When I say family, I mean everyone who has a phone. Grandma was even set up on our calendar since she was the babysitter and needed to know what was going on day to day. I set up our oldest daughter, who is an adult, on the app as well. We used this app for several years. It comes with a variety of different functionalities such as a calendar, shopping lists, to-do lists, upcoming events, etc. So, why use family planner apps?


Items on the calendar can be assigned by a person or by a group. So, if grandma had a doctor’s appointment on a certain day, she could enter that into the calendar. It would then use her color to let us know who it belonged to. Then we were able to arrange for a different babysitter that day or rearrange our work schedules if needed. Then, we could assign an event to several people, like my youngest daughter’s softball games.

I could add everyone who wanted to attend so that they wouldn’t forget about it. I add my work schedule to the app. My 16-year-old daughter adds hers too so that we can let everyone know when we have to work since our schedules are always changing. Now, keep in mind, everything that I am mentioning at this point in time can also be found on the Family Wall app too.

Grocery Lists:

Anyone on the list can add to the grocery list. So then, if they happen to be at the store, they can check the app to see what is needed, and can go ahead a pick it up.

To-do Lists:

I can schedule chores for the kids through this function or make notes for myself so that I don’t forget what I have to do or what I want to do.

Meal Planner:

Both apps have a built-in meal planner and recipe box. You can store all of your favorite recipes and plan your meals for the week and add items to your grocery list right from here. You can add recipes manually, or directly from the web, or with the Cozi Family Organizer. (There is already a database programmed in.) That is one feature that is not available on the Family Wall app.

The Family Wall offers a little more when it comes to features.


You can message anyone in your family group through the app. Just like using your text messaging on your phone. You can just message one person, two, or the entire family. You can even send pictures and attachments.


You can put your pictures into a gallery and each person gets their own gallery. There’s even a Best Moments gallery.

Contact Book:

I like this feature. I can add important phone numbers to the contact book, Then, if the kids need the phone number in an emergency situation, the phone number is available immediately to them.


You can set timetables up if you have a repeating event. For example, easily set up those weekly softball practices to continue until the season is over by just a few touches and a few seconds of your time. You do not have to continually enter the information week after week.


This is my favorite feature, and probably the main reason why I switched to the Family wall app. Each person in your household can turn on location sharing through this app and there is a map and you can see on the map where every person is at that point in time. (They have to have the phone with them to make this work, otherwise, it will just show where the phone is located). There is an SOS button that they can use if they are in trouble and need help. There is a Pick Me Up button. If they hit that button, it will notify everyone and then you can get directions through Google Maps to find their exact location. You can even check into a location and it will send a notification to let everyone know that you arrived safely.


I can’t express enough how much these apps have really helped our family to get on track and stay on track. As well as, stay in touch with each other since one of our daughters just got her driver’s license! You will feel better knowing you can look at the app and find out where anyone is at any given time.

Organization is key to keeping track of a family schedule. Knowing where everyone is at or what they have going on is important. Especially with busy kids who have their own schedules. Not only are these apps a time saver, but they can also be a lifesaver! Did I say both have a free option? Well, they do. Everything I have mentioned here in this article comes with the free version. Both apps have a desktop version that you can use, that is web-based, so you can log into them from anywhere. Hopefully, now you can understand why a family planner app is valuable for busy families.