The 3 Best Organizing Apps I’m Using in 2023

organizing apps

Keeping organized in today’s world is a must and sometimes because of our busy schedules and hectic lifestyles, that can be hard to do.  That’s exactly the reason why I’m absolutely obsessed with organizing apps to help keep our family on track.

My husband and I both have full-time jobs and then we own and operate a side business.  Our high school-aged daughter has a job. Our Junior High aged daughter plays multiple sports and constantly has practices, games, or tourneys going on.  We also have a 4-year-old that we have to arrange a babysitter for.  I have two online businesses where I generate sales and have to coordinate shipping.  Life gets SUPER BUSY, but there’s no reason why we shouldn’t be able to stay on top of everything we do now because of the technology we literally have at our fingertips.  

Organizing apps are highly available for our phones.  If you were to search the Play Store, hundreds appear.  So, how do you sort through all of them to find the ones that work for you?  Basically, it’s trial and error because no matter if I tell you what three are the best, that’s the 3 organizing apps that work best for me and my family, not necessarily yours; however, my three favorites will give you a great starting point!

So, here they are:

  1.  Google Calendar 

Google calendar works across many different devices and interconnects to make its usability a breeze.  With the content being hosted online, I can log in to any device, from anywhere, and access my calendar.  An added bonus now is with all of the new smart home devices that Google makes, this organizing app has endless possibilities. It also gives the user the ability to create and use more than one calendar.  You could set up a work calendar, a sports calendar, a home calendar, etc, and view them all at the same time or view each separately.

2. Family Wall

This organizing app is just all-around awesome.  I just installed the app on each member of the family’s phone and went from there.  It gives all of us the ability to see where everyone is at the current time on a map (there’s also a way to signal for help).  We can create lists, like a grocery list, that everyone can access, and if they stop at the store, they’ll know what we need to be picked up!  There’s also a calendar, recipe box, meal planner, contact book, and more.  We can text each other through this app, share photos and view each other’s photos in the gallery.  We all are still learning this app, but so far, it’s great! 

3. Evernote

This organizing app has endless possibilities and once again, you can access your notes from any device and from anywhere.  Using the mobile version, allows me to leave myself voice notes, set reminders, save something from the web I want to look at later, and much more.  One can attach files to a note and can even organize their notes into different notebooks so that what you have deemed important, doesn’t get lost in the shuffle of the everyday grind.  Learning all of the different features that Evernote has to offer can take time, so don’t give up on this app too early on.  Give it time, and you might find that this organizing app can be a lifesaver.

Hopefully, this post has given you some kind of a starting point if you are looking for the best organizing apps that you can use in your everyday life.  If you have a favorite organizing app that works great for your family, please leave a comment down below and let us know.  Maybe, it’s just an app that we hhaven’t heard of yet or haven’t tried to use yet.  Maybe it’s an organizing app that one of our readers have been looking for.