How Do Busy Moms Exercise?

how busy moms exercise

Exercise can feel like an impossible task for a busy mom. Exercise is essential to maintain good physical and mental health. It can help you feel more energized and ready to tackle the physical and mental demands of parenting. So I’ve put together a list of how busy moms exercise.


I know, I know. You probably get tired of hearing how much you need to plan in all aspects of life, but it’s true. Your schedule is probably already hectic and that’s why you are reading a post like this pertaining to busy moms. So, if you want to be able to incorporate exercise into your already demanding schedule, planning is essential. Whether it’s waking up an hour earlier, fitting in a workout during your lunch break, or going for a run after the kids go to bed, make sure you set aside time in your day for exercise.

Incorporate Exercise into your Daily Activities

You’d be surprised how much extra exercise you can incorporate into your day while doing your normal activities. For example, take the stairs at work, instead of the elevator. If your out shopping, park in the spot farthest away from the entrance of the store to gain those extra steps. Do some squats while you are waiting on your coffee to brew. Little bursts of physical activity throughout the day can add up and make a big difference in your overall fitness level.

Find activities that you enjoy

Whatever you decide to do, make sure it’s something that you enjoy or you more than likely won’t do it very long. If you enjoy running, then incorporate a run into your schedule; but if you hate running, just skip the idea and find something else. Like to be outside? Consider a bike ride with your kids. Fun family outings won’t seem like exercise. When you enjoy the activity, you’re more likely to stick with it. And, with that, that takes us to the next idea: get your kids involved!

Get the kids involved

We all know that finding a babysitter can be difficult, so instead of worrying about that, just find an activity that the kids can do with you. Not only will you be getting your exercise in but you will also be teaching your kids healthy habits while setting a good example for them.

Make the most of your downtime

Are the kids taking a nap? Do they sleep in early on Saturday? Downtime for a busy mom is hard to come by, so when you get some, don’t waste it on scrolling on the phone or watching TV. Do some stretches or yoga poses, or use a resistance band for a quick strength-training workout.

Finding the time to exercise as a busy mom can be a challenge, but not impossible. You can incorporate a sustainable exercise routine into your schedule whether it’s a 30 min bike ride, 10 min yoga routine, or an extra 1500 steps while shopping. In the end, don’t be hard on yourself for not if you can’t stick to a routine. Remember, small steps and bursts of activity can make a big difference over time. Just keep moving forward and making progress toward your goals.